Dear Spiritual Family,

Today’s message is about the people in our lives. In particular, it’s about the people in our lives who have helped us. The inspiration for this piece came to us when we remembered that today is our dear friend, Tammy Lorraine’s birthday. As most of you know, Tammy makes it possible for our written and video messages to reach your inbox each Sunday. She and her precious wife, Joni, have been great gifts in our lives for many years.

As I reached for my coffee cup a moment ago, I remembered it was a gift from another close friend whose sister fashioned it from clay. Across the room from me sits our brother-in-law who is here with Mary’s sister for a visit – two more amazing folks who have made our lives so much richer.

You who read these words and experience our video messages – most of whom we know but all who are a part of the fabric of our lives – are gifts. Please take a moment to deeply feel the importance of these connections that are beyond the limits of space and time. We are so grateful for you.

This message is to encourage you to look about your life today and reflect on the people in your life who have helped you and too, those whom you have helped. Workbook Lesson #207, slightly adapted from A Course in Miracles gives us an ideal Word to speak to those who come to mind: 

God’s blessing shines upon you from within your heart, where He abides. You need but turn to Him, and every sorrow melts away, as you accept His boundless love for you. 

In its original form: God’s blessing shines upon me from within my heart, where He abides. I need but turn to Him, and every sorrow melts away, as I accept His boundless love for me.

A focused and liberal use of both of these statements of Truth brings blessings to us and to those who live within our hearts. The practice also leaves us in a place of incredible gratitude.  

Thank you, precious Beings, for the loving help you give and receive. 

We love you all,

Rev. Steve and Mary

And Happy Birthday Tammy Lorraine and Mary Bolen and all you dear folks who welcome another year at this time!