Dear Spiritual Family,
Greetings from Ireland! We are here with Mary’s brother, Bill, and his wife, Lavena. We are breathing deeply to take in this beautiful country – it’s people and it’s land. And as we do, we are holding you in our hearts.
Outside our window on this cool and yes, cloudy Irish morning, stands the remains of the 12th Century Dominican Abbey in Roscommon, Ireland. No doubt, if it’s remaining walls could speak, they would tell of those who worked and worshipped there for hundreds of years.
Central to the video message for this Sunday is the work of Dr. Emilie Cady. She was a pioneer in what we now know as New Thought. Her work was central to the teachings of Myrtle and Charles Fillmore and foundational to the Unity movement.
The truths she sought to “prove” in her life are as applicable today as they were then and indeed, as true for those who lived in these ancient lands so many centuries ago.
Essentially, and you will hear this in the video, “God is all there is. Everything else is illusion.” We may find our conscious minds struggling with the second part of this but our Spirits long to fully embrace the first. In essence, God as Love, Peace, Light and Joy is all there is.
From the words of the Beatles, “All we need is Love.” And beyond all appearances that our sisters and brothers in Ireland or anywhere else, have witnessed in ancient times or modern times, “All we HAVE is Love.” God – all that we need and all that we have – across the sea or in our very homes is this Love. It IS our Home and we are grateful!
From across the miles, we hold you in this Love,
Rev. Steve and Mary