Dear Spiritual Family,

With love, we dedicate this Sunday’s message to the people of Maui, Hawaii –  those who are in the midst of such great upheaval, those who are in support roles, and those beings who have stepped through the veil beyond the physical.

Hawaii as a whole and the island of Maui in particular, has special significance in our lives and I, Rev. Steve, speak to this in the video. The Aloha spirit of love and kindness and compassion is embodied in the rich and mystical heritage of the Hawaiian culture.

It is fitting that we, as a Spiritual Community, hold all of them and their land and what they have lost in that Aloha energy. We may call it heartfelt prayer or focused, healing intention but we know that our love in whatever form makes a difference.

So, compassion, love, and Truth comprise our focus this week. The compassion of our hearts for theirs and all they are moving through; our love, grounded in God and multiplied by the Holy Spirit; and the peace that comes to our lives as we know the one Reality of Life and the illusion of death.

This is a subject that we focus on with you – not one that we would typically bring forth to those new to this teaching or in a highly fragile (in the appearance) place.

In A Course in Miracles Manual for Teachers, we read: “Teacher of God, your one assignment could be stated thus: Accept no compromise in which death plays a part. Do not believe in cruelty, nor let attack conceal the truth from you. What seems to die has but been misperceived and carried to illusion. Now it becomes your task to let the illusion be carried to truth.” (No. 27 What Is Death?)

Our collective willingness to hold these beings, this situation, in healing prayer and in healing knowing, brings peace to their lives and to ours. It also has inestimable transfer value to everyone and everything that seems to distress us.

Never underestimate the power and efficacy of your heartfelt compassion, love, and willingness to know the truth. It is aided and guided by the Holy Spirit. 

Thank you for being the Blessing that you are!

We love you,

Rev. Steve and Mary