Beloved Spiritual Family,
We want to give you a question to ponder – “What if Love is All there Is?” To expand – What if there is only One Power, One Presence as we have stated hundreds if not thousands of times?
And what if We ARE made in the Image and Likeness of God? And what if God IS Love? What does that make us, if not Love? What if the Masters and the great Mystics of all the ages were right when they taught and wrote and preached this concept?
And another question that can shed light on the first – “What if all the ‘stuff’ unlike love, is simply us, imagining that we are not Love but something very different?”
What if, in the language of A Course in Miracles, in the world of appearances, everyone and everything is either a call for Love or an expression of Love? And that by letting that be our guiding light in responding and reacting to the myriad of “stimuli,” we gravitate more completely into Love? What if this becomes our Divine blueprint for living?
What if the driving power in each heart behind all facades and appearances is this “thirst, this hunger” to love? And what if the voice of the ego that says otherwise, that questions our sanity, is not the real voice but simply one that we made up?
And what if, each time we endeavor to come from love, the Universe, in Its infinite wisdom, IS on our side, by our side, supporting us, loving us into this One Reality?
We humbly ask you to deeply ponder these questions, paying less attention to the sound of the little, made-up self and more attention, deep listening, to the Christ indwelling, the You, the Self.
What if we find – that Love Is All There Is?
In This Love,
Rev. Steve and Mary