Dear Spiritual Family,

Happy March! Shall we “march” forth with a most accurate, happy thought? Jesus tells us in A Course in Miracles, “God’s Will for us is perfect happiness.” And of course, what God wills must come to pass. Thank goodness!

Yes, we can appear to delay the rich experience of this kind of happiness but it is our inevitable “fate.” Again, Thank You, God! And, invariably, the “yeah, buts” arise in our thinking. “But what about that upsetting phone call” or what about this news I’ve just received?” “What about how I feel right now, not ‘happy’ I can tell you that?”

Let’s weigh the options. One is to hold on to the past and play the tapes again and again in our minds – how we have missed out on happiness or how someone or something has “contrived” to keep us from that happiness or peace or freedom. Or how we found a significant degree of happiness and then, we lost it and may fear we won’t find it again.

The other “option” is the Path of Spirit, which offers the Peace of God, unconditional Love, and true Power. And that path is already laid before us, yet we have to be willing to stop arguing for our limitations! 

We are the Beloved of God and our Creator does indeed will for us, perfect happiness. It is the Divine Inheritance we have been bequeathed. And thus a focus introduced in the accompanying video that helps us find and stay on the true Path:

  1. Each day and as often as possible throughout the day, seek the Kingdom of God. Focus on your breath and feel the expansion of Love in your heart.
  2. Celebrate Your New Life! Affirm at an elevated feeling level, “God’s Will for me is perfect happiness!” Now step into this more expanded life in the spirit of Joy.
  3. Serve. From your Holy Mind and Heart, send out thoughts of healing and peace and love to the people and places that show up in your consciousness. And when the Holy Spirit prompts you to do something, heed that guidance.
  4. Accept your Divine Empowerment and know it for others. From II Timothy, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of Power and of Love and of good discipline.” 

A special “thank you” to Unity Church of the Hills Founders who spiritually discerned its Mission and Vision statements that inspired these 4 steps.

And another thank you to you, precious beings, who comprise the beloved community of this First Light Ministry. As we consciously bring our intentions together to receive all of God’s Blessings, we are united in Spirit and encouraged to fully live life!

We love you,

Rev. Steve and Mary

Going Deeper

  1. In recent messages, you have been asked to “turn over” the act of judging to the Holy Spirit. Can you share one of your successes, big or small, in doing that?
  2. Can you describe what the “elevated feelings” of your “new life” might look and feel like for you. (This subject is mentioned in step 2 of the written message for March 5, 2023.

Thank you, Precious Beings.

We love you dearly,

Rev. Steve and Mary

Going Deeper on Zoom – Wednesday, March 8

This group meets on Wednesdays from 6 to 7:15 pm CT following a new video message. To learn more, Email Mary McIntosh.

Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen

Written by Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen


1 Comment

  1. Katherine Quinn

    Loved your remark about a response of “yes, but” when presented with the idea that God’s will is our perfect happiness. All growth comes at the expense of letting go of my old ideas which I was taught in my youth. Thanks for your message.