Dear Spiritual Family,
Recently, I found myself seated with some friends for a meal and some hopefully, uplifting conversation. Shortly after we began, a political discussion ensued. I was asked by one what I thought about a particular “hot” topic in the vein of right and wrong as it applied to a political figure. I offered my usual response, that I steer clear of those conversations – that my eternal hope is to minister to “both sides.”
The fact is, I have my own views on that “scene” as Mary and I have shared with you over the years. Invariably, when I have my “side” attacked or demeaned or criticized, I am encouraged through my spiritual understanding to examine my attack thoughts about the “other” positions or personalities.
I have been in this work long enough to know that these moments of “dis-ease” can either take me deeper into judgement and upset or they can be seen as a clear signal to walk my talk.
A Course in Miracles offers in Lesson 39, the perfect guidance to turn the feelings of guilt associated with unloving thoughts into a place of peace and compassion. The title of this particular Lesson is: My holiness is my salvation. The salvation that the Course teaches is NOT the “salvation” that traditional religious teachings speak of. It is being saved from the sense of separation from God. It is NOT salvation from some burning hell that God would cast us into but the realization that we are and have always been, the Beloved of God.
Having said that, we make our own version of hell when we hate, when we judge, when we pile on the guilt that is inherent in unloving thoughts. The simple yet powerful and effective restorative taught in this Lesson is: “My holiness is my salvation.” The practice is to search one’s mind for unloving thoughts and offer your holiness instead.
The exercise given is to think of “specific situations, events, or personalities that you associate with unloving thoughts of any kind” and offer instead, your holiness. You can begin by applying the idea this way:
My unloving thoughts about ___________ are keeping me in hell. My holiness is my salvation. We are taught to apply this often throughout the day.
On Dr. David Hawkins’ “Map of Consciousness,” guilt registers at 30, one step up from the lowest which is shame at 20. Moving up the scale through fear and anger, etc., we break into the levels of courage at 200 and then acceptance, reason and, at 500 – love and higher still with joy and peace, and finally enlightenment between 700 and 1000.
To make the spiritual progress that we are here to experience, to make the true contributions to humankind that we took birth to do, we have to be willing to replace our unloving thoughts with the thought (which is the pure Truth) of our holiness. And if we insist on “finding” the exceptions to the inherent holiness in others, we simultaneously deny our own.
If you and I want to have not only a super, Super Bowl Sunday, but a life that is super in the most meaningful of ways, we roll up our spiritual sleeves and go to work on what matters most.
Loving you from Texas today, Rev. Steve and
Loving you from Georgia today, Mary and
Loving you always from wherever, Rev. Steve and Mary 😊😊