Letting Go and Making Room for God, Part 3

Dear Spiritual Family, We recently saw a cartoon that showed a customer in a bookstore being offered a book entitled, How to Solve 50% of Your Problems. He bought two! “If it were only that easy,” we might exclaim. No doubt, all of us deal with “problems” everyday –...

Making Room for God

Dear Spiritual Family, Greetings precious Beings. In the video message this week, we begin a series that focuses on Letting Go. It is based on the work of Dr. David Hawkins, an author, lecturer, physician, scientist, and clinician who many of you are familiar with.   ...

The Prayer of Loving-Kindness

Dear Spiritual Family, Greetings Beautiful Beings! Most of us are familiar with some version of the Buddhist mantra: May I be filled with loving-kindness. May I be well.  May I be peaceful and at ease. May I be happy.  We are suggesting that this simple, yet eloquent...

Thank You, Father

Dear Spiritual Family, Thank you for taking some time to read these words and to watch and listen to this video message. Our hope continues to be that you find inspiration, peace and love in what we share with you. Mary opens this video with a piece from A Course in...